Saturday, September 26, 2009

Recent Happenings

I cannot believe how quickly this summer flew by. So much has changed. Kyle has shot up and is now 2 shoes sizes bigger, not to mention a good two or so inches taller. He has learned so much since I last posted too...his counting is better, sentence structure, letters, shapes, colors...I cannot believe how much he has learned.

God continues to bless my business. Just like Kyle, it is growing faster than I ever imagined. I am really starting to make my business my own and structure it the way I want it to look. Hopefully, I will be able to start the wedding shows soon. October is a busy month in the wedding world, and I am booked up every weekend...praise the Lord! But, that also means I will be hidden away at the kitchen or at my house and I will rarely be seen out and about next month!

Kevin has started his own Verizon store. He has hit some bumps along the way, but he is intelligent and determined and I know he will do great at it! He is working from home now, and it has been an adjustment. Kyle and I had our little routine down and now we had to make some changes. But, I love having Kevin home with us. I love the little things, like he gets to eat lunch with us everyday or see Kyle's art projects right when he gets home from MDO. It really is nice.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Just an update

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things have been really busy around here lately. Where to start....

We know that God moved us to Austin for a reason and we are starting to see His plan come to life. God has been blessing my business tremendously! It is growing so fast and I love trying out new things! But, the best part about my business is that I am able to stay home with Kyle. To me, there is nothing more important than being able to raise my child and stay home with him. I love watching him play and learn and grow. Our daily time together is something I cherish.

We believe that the Lord is leading Kevin to start his own company. We have been in prayer and counsel regarding this for a few months now and the Lord is putting everything into place. It is rather scary thinking about opening up another business, but God is great and He will provide. We just have to have faith in His direction!

Kevin and I both feel that the Lord is preparing us for something big in the future...what is it...who knows. We have no clue, we just feel that He is preparing something in our hearts and in our marriage. I have no idea what that means, I just know that there are even more changes in our future.

Our marriage is stronger than ever! I love being married to Kevin! Kyle is at MDO on Tuesday's and so Kevin and I make that our date day. We try to have a date every week, even something small like renting a movie. We feel that it is important to have time together in the midst of our busy lives.

Kyle...oh goodness! He is a joyful mess! He is the sweetest little soul I have ever met. He is also a big bundle of energy and curiosity! He loves puzzles. I enjoy watching him figure out the pieces and learning which shapes go where. If he could be outside all day, he would. He loves to run and play outdoors, especially at the park. Over the past month or so, his verbal skills have improved greatly. He is starting to say small sentences. My heart melts everytime he says "pease" and "shesh you." We are also potty training! Woo-hoo! He is doing well, but moving slowly. I'm ready for that to be over.

I guess that's it for now!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Meet Nikki

...our new puppy! We adopted her, she is 10 months old, and a schnauzer (full breed). She is a big time lap dog, but still loves to run and play with Kyle. I think she will be such a sweet dog. We are excited to have a pet back in the house.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Big Boy Helper

Kyle loves to help out around the house. Some of his favorites are laundry, sweeping, and cleaning up the dishes. My heart just melts when he watches me clean and then joins in. That little smile on his face and feeling of accomplishment he gets is amazing to watch. Sure, it takes twice as long to get things done, but he is learning responsibility as well as feeling good about himself for achieving new things.
Helping scrub the pans!
He is so proud!
Coloring with Daddy on my new table and chair set Santa brought!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

MDO Christmas Party

Kyle had his Christmas Party today at Mother's Day Out. The big kids had a Christmas show. Our class just had a special gym play time. Then we had a book exchange and Kyle got a new book about a puppy! We then went to the cafeteria for a pizza party and cake and cookies! No more school until January 5th!
Kyle and Nana opening up the book!
Daddy was able to come for some of my party!
Eating pizza...
...and cake!

Monday, December 8, 2008

RIP Roopy Dog

Last week was one of the hardest weeks in a long time. Our family dog, Blanca, was killed. She was 1 day shy of her 4th birthday. We were leaving for Fort Worth for a few days and I was outside cleaning out the car. Blanca was outside playing. She always plays so well outside and she comes right when I call her. We live on a cul-de-sac and all the neighborhood dogs play together outside. Blanca was visiting one of her friend dogs and was on her way home when a Terminex truck drove down our street and hit her, killing her instantly. While I am thankful it happened fast and she felt no pain (she never knew what happened), I am extremely angry at Terminex...who is claiming they never hit her. However, since I was outside when I happened I know that is not the truth. I wish they would just be honest and say, "I'm sorry, it was an accident." That's all I am looking for. But, they would rather lie about it.
When I saw here lying there I ran over to her, she was about 2 houses over. I picked her up and ran inside to Kevin, who was actually taking a shower. We tried to get her to wake up, but we both knew she was gone. We woke up Kyle from his nap and drove to our vet, not letting him see Blanca. The vet told us what we already knew..she was gone. But hearing it made it so much more real.

Nearly a week has gone by and I still feel like she should be there when I walk in the door. I feel like I need to be careful getting out of bed in the morning so I don't kick her off because she slept right at my feet. I miss having to always fix the pillows on the couch because she napped on top of them. She was a perfect dog. Kevin gave her to me as a gift a month before we got married, so she has been there with us since the beginning. I remember when Kyle was a newborn. She would lay on the bed next to the bassinet with her little face resting on the side of the bassinet watching Kyle sleep. She would come get me if he stirred and bark at anyone who came near him. She let Kyle pull her tail and ears when he got older and now that he is a toddler they were great friends.

Kevin and I love having pets in the home and we feel it is good for Kyle to be raised around pets too. We are going to wait a few months until we are no longer grieving and then we will go to a nearby shelter and find a new family dog. I know we will love the new dog just as much as Blanca, but we will never have another Blanca. She is greatly missed.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Party at MDO

Kyle had his Thanksgiving party at Mother's Day Out today! They made place mats that had pictures of family members on it and they made a turkey out of his little hand print. It was adorable. Then they sat down for a Thanksgiving Feast...well, for a toddler it was a feast. He is doing well at MDO and meeting new friends. He has a little buddy and they are best friends at school. It is so sweet.